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Single Fathers  Challenge 

As any parent can tell you, raising children in this world today. Whether they are boys or girls, is a challenge. We hear so much about single mothers raising children alone. But what about single fathers? The struggling single mothers are, to be sure, quite different from those of single daddy. A lot of single dads have about or much more difficult times. Raising a daughter than they do raising a son.

Single Fathers has many challenge

Single Fathers Challenge Raising Daughter  

Girls especially need a father who they can count on as a strong male role model.  “The words that a father speaks to his children in the privacy of home are not heard by the world, but, as in whispering-galleries. They are clearly heard at the end and by posterity” Jean Paul Richter. Single fathers vs single mothers both presented with challenges. But a girl will learn more about how to relate to men. In her life from her father than she can ever learn from her mother.

Single Fathers

As  your girl child  get older those special moment with her dad. Help shape her to become the women she suppose to be. Halle Berry quote  said” I know I will never find  my father in any other man who comes into my life, because it is a void in my life that can only be filled by him ” So sad.


  • In Daughter’s Life

The challenge for the father however, is that he often doesn’t understand the difference in the way a girl reacts to life situations from the way a boy reacts. Mark Gungor has a video entitled, Tale of Two Brains, that, although extremely humorous, explains the difference in the way men and women think. I would recommend you watch it. It explains a lot about the challenges single fathers face in raising a daughter.

  • Role Model for your daughter

So, how can you men deal with the challenges of a daughter? Simply by being the responsible adult and taking the initiative to study your daughter.
― Stephen Colbert, I Am America Learn what is important to her and be a positive role model. Be a man that she can respect and admire and be proud of. Make sure she knows your standards and values and she knows she can always count on you to be there for her. If you can do that, you will be one of the successful single fathers.