by Patrice M Foster | Apr 8, 2017 | depression |
Depression Talking to your child can be difficult at time. As a parent, it’s likely hard to get your teenage child to talk to you about anything. Reaching out to you for help and support may also be difficult for them. Recognizing that your kids may be depressed and...
by Patrice M Foster | Mar 28, 2017 | parents |
Parents Support Groups effective treatment help who? If you’ve pulled every strategy and tactic from the Parent Playbook and your teen still shows signs of depression. The next logical step would be to attend a support group for parents with depressed teenagers....
by Patrice M Foster | Mar 18, 2017 | Teens |
Surprise Surprising Answer these questions come up time and time again: How many adolescents suffer from depression or anxiety? The answer never ceases to shock anyone. Who doesn’t already know the answer. Nearly one-fifth of all teens suffer from some degree of...
by Patrice M Foster | Mar 10, 2017 | teenage depression |
Teenagers Reason for depression: The teenage years of any person’s life have the potential to be stressful and overwhelming, especially in today’s world. It’s during these years that most kids try to find their unique identity in the world. While trying to blend into...
by Patrice M Foster | Mar 4, 2017 | teenage depression |
First Time Parents Depression Experience for parents take time to understand the signs. If your child has shown signs of sadness for a while maybe its time to seek out a therapist. Mental Illness is nothing that should be taken lightly. Clinical depression is a...
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