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Help Your Teen 

To Deal with Conflict is strenuous  in the first place. As a matter of fact dealing with problems  is not easy especially in the adolescent years. Not to mention, your child is already going through many changes in their body and mind. Conflict simply adds another complex layer at a time in life where things may already feel as though they are in a turmoil.

deal with conflict

Deal with conflict

As a result, you should be there for your child during difficult times. You can be a stabilizing voice in their life . Here’s how you can help your teen deal with conflict in a way that will help them get through the difficult times. And find their way to a better life. Here are some example pf dealing with conflict in a positive manner.

deal with conflict

Deal with Conflict: Learn from  your Mistakes

It is critical to remember to always remind your teen that, while conflict is difficult, it is a sure way to learn various types of lessons. We can all benefit from the lessons we’ve learned from our mistakes. This means we can investigate and discover a tangible lesson, and then move forward while avoiding the same pitfalls in the future.

Deal with Conflict 

When there is a disagreement, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to look inward and learn about oneself. There are many lessons to be found if you are determined to learned. Important to make  teens aware of this.

deal with conflicts

Deal with Conflict resolved in positive manner

Maybe your teen will come to the awareness that not everyonefight in a fair manner. Or holding our feelings in until bursts in adramatic way I not healthy. Or find something positive, such as the strength to stand alone on an issue.

Deal with Conflict to Learn about Others

On the positive side, Conflict is a great way to learn about others. Your teen can learn about what kinds of friends, family and other individuals are in their lives based on how conflicts arise and play out. Teach your teen to decipher whether the other party is still supportive during conflict, or whether they are using it as an opportunity to push your teen down. Is the other party fair and honest, or angry and deceitful? 

Deal with Conflict use for New Opportunities

It is said that unless we grow uncomfortable where we are, we never have the motive necessary to make changes. Conflict can sometimes cause your teen to want to move beyond where they are at the moment.

Maybe being in constant conflict with their boss will push them out of their current workplace and into the job of their dreams. Perhaps conflict experienced with a current boyfriend will prove to your daughter that she deserves better in a partner, and will prompt her to break up and move on.

Be an Emotional Support

During times of conflict, your teen will need your unconditional love and support. Be a strong role model and teacher of how to deal with negative encounters, and most of all let your teen know you will always be there for them.

Spend quality time with your teen and help them get their mind off of their problems. Know when to discuss, and when to suggest taking a mental health break and heading to the mall to grab an ice cream together.

Conflict will be difficult for your child, because conflict is difficult for everyone. You will be one of the main guiding supports for your child as they navigate it. Use this opportunity to teach your child about growth, friendship and self-care, and they will keep those lessons for life