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 Why afraid to discuss Depression

Talk about mental illness and depression is on the rise. A serious health problem that results in a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.  No one care to discuss.  It’s a medical condition that affects around one out of ten people at some point in their life’s. The  onset is usually during adolescent years.

depression ,dark, teenage, suicidal thoughts, parents, no one talk, cutting


Unfortunately Parents are still in the dark. Unaware of signs that their child is struggling. Like this quote explain how your youth maybe feeling. “I can’t eat and I can’t sleep. I’m not doing well in terms of being a functional human, you know?” ― Ned Vizzini

No One Talk about Depression

Experts still debate as to the causes of depression and even more, in many cases teenage depression might go unnoticed for years. According to data from the Harvard Medical School, about 8% of US teens experience symptoms of depression before they reach adulthood.


Another research suggests that the percentage of teens, who suffer or have suffered from depression at any given time is closer to 15%. The problem is that depression is hard to understand and even more difficult to identify. What separates depression from normal sadness is its duration – it’s a constant emotional state that also comes with various behavioral and social signs. In USA Today  Doctor urges more screening for teens by Primary Care Doctors.


No one want to talk

Teen depression remains unnoticed until it’s too late. Adolescents are particularly sensitive to being “different” and might try to hide their symptoms. Refusing to go to a specialist. Fear or embarrassment often, parents and friends are the last to learn. Even after the troubled teen had committed an act of self-harm. Families and friends often mistake teenage depression as signs of normal “grumpy” behavior. Build trust with your kids!

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